School Counseling

Counselors are ALL IN @ NAHS!

Student Support Center

The counseling program at Northwest Academy of Health Sciences is designed to promote the academic, career and personal/social growth of ALL students through individual counseling, small group counseling and classroom guidance. The goal of the counseling office is to provide NAHS students with the knowledge and the life skills to be successful in school and to build positive relationships with their peers.  School counselors are available to help students with a variety of issues they may face including study skills, relationships, organization, time management, peer conflicts, grief, and stress.  We look forward to getting to know and assisting you and your students.

Reasons for parents to contact the counselor include registration, concerns over student achievement, family & health problems, discussing special needs of a student, family difficulties or concerns, or early discussion of a potential crisis. 

Students can see a counselor by stopping by the Student Support Center and making an appointment, submitting a request using the NAHS appointment link, the request of a counselor, or teacher/administrator referral. 

Meet our School Counseling Team!

6th Grade:
Tonya Linton: [email protected]
7th Grade:
Helen Tracey: [email protected]

8th Grade/Department Chair:
Monica Jones: [email protected]
Counseling Office Secretary & Registrar:

Deborah Carroll: [email protected]