Contact Us


 4627 Old Court Rd., Baltimore, MD. 21208

School phone numbers: 

Main Office: 443-809-0742
School Counseling: 443-809-0788
School fax: 443-809-0670
Library: 443-809-0737


To report a student absence: 

Call the main office: 443-809-0742

To contact a teacher:

  1. Telephone
    1. Call the main office and leave a message for the teacher.
    2. The teacher will return your call.
  2. Schoology
    1. Log into your Schoology account or use your student's account.
    2. Click on your name and select "Northwest Academy of"
    3. Select Faculty on the left-hand side and find the teacher you wish to contact.
    4. Click "Send email" or "send message". 
    5. The teacher will respond to your message as soon as possible.