Welcome to Northwest Academy
of Health Sciences!

NAHS Virtual Instruction Plan

BCPS has used all built-in inclement weather days for this school year that  served as traditional snow days. If we have any additional closures due to inclement weather, we will transition to virtual instruction days. To prepare for potential weather-related events, please review the attached guidelines on scheduling and expectations.

Report Card Requests

If a parent/guardian would like an electronic copy or hard copy of a report card, please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/r/becLLqEW0P

Athletics Events and Announcements


Please see the Athletics page for any athletics announcements and event information.

Student Device Issues

If your student has device issues, please fill out the NAHS device issues form. Anyone can fill it out. Please only fill out the form once per incident.

Family Newsletter

Please be sure to check out our family newsletter using the link below. The newsletter can be translated into multiple languages for ease of access. 


School Supply List for 2024-2025 School Year

Please see this document for the 2024-2025 NAHS school supply list.

Uniform Guidelines

NAHS has a uniform policy in place. It will be updated during the summer to reflect new grade-level colors and any changes. Please see the uniform policy on this page.

Attention all parents/guardians

Please see the directions sheets below for information on how to sign up/renew, and use Schoology accounts:
Creating a Schoology account
Navigating Parent View in Schoology

Tech Support Resources (Posted: 8/13/2020: Updated 5/4/2021)

Visit this page for all NAHS Tech Support Resources.

General Information

If you have any questions, call the main office: 443-809-0742.