Northwest Academy of Health Sciences is a FAMILY! We stick together, work together, achieve together and win together!
*Are respectful of ourselves, our teachers and our peers.
*Respect each other’s culture, background and differences.
*Strive to earn A’s and B’s in all of our classes.
*Come to school PREPARED with ALL materials EVERY DAY.
*Turn our work in ON TIME and make it up when we are absent.
*Use our agenda books daily to show we are young professionals in training.
*Attend coach class and ask for help to achieve academic excellence.
*Participate in school clubs and activities.
*Wear our school uniform and PE uniform CORRECTLY EVERY DAY.
*Wear our school IDs EVERY DAY to promote safety and in order to participate in school related activities.
*Walk in the halls without cursing, yelling, and running.
*REFUSE to bully or accept bullying from ANYONE in the NAHS family.
*Promote a positive image in school and the community.
*Remind our peers of the Northwest Academy Way.
*We help others who need help.
*Keep our school clean by picking up after ourselves in the classroom, hallways and cafeteria.
*Follow our school norms, code of conduct and classroom/cafeteria routines.
*KNOW and LIVE our school vision and mission.
*Have Fun!
We, the STAFF…
*Build positive, respectful relationships with students, parents and colleagues.
*Greet each other and our students throughout the school day.
*Provide high quality, engaging, customized learning which includes small group instruction.
*Hold students to high academic and behavior standards.
*Collaborate with our colleagues both inside and outside of NAHS to promote continuity, high quality instruction and consistent practices.
*Provide EXCELLENT customer service by responding to emails and phone calls from parents within 24-48 hours.
*Maintain and utilize our lesson plan binder as a visible resource and evidence of Domain 1.
*Meet all school wide and county deadlines.
*Dress professionally.
*Treat our students and colleagues as unique individuals and respect each other’s differences.
*Appreciate, honor and celebrate diversity within the school community and student body.
*Expect parents to participate in school activities, volunteer, and support the NAHS vision and mission.
*Have fun!
Last update: 8/30/2017